Last week we took our new tent for a whirl in the Peak District, and fortunately our first camping trip coincided with some of the hottest weather we've had this summer.
This is the view from our tent - a lovely sight to wake up to every morning.

We walked along the old course of the Leek and Manifold Valley Light Railway which is now a footpath and cycle path. The railway only lasted for 30 years (from 1904 to 1934), and included a stop near Thor's Cave which was a popular local tourist destination. We climbed up to the cave along a slippery paved path and some steep steps, and had the cave to ourselves.

It's quite big inside, but we didn't explore too far without a torch. The walls inside have become smooth and slippery from years of visitors like us.

We also had the Neolithic henge at
Arbor Low to ourselves, apart from the company of the cows and sheep.
Haddon Hall, near Bakewell, was a bit busier than our other stops, but we still enjoyed looking around the house and gardens - the Tudor kitchens were brilliant, and the tea shop was well stocked with yummy slices of Bakewell tart.

We've put the walks we did on a
Google map - eight miles in the Manifold Valley felt like a lot longer in the heat, plus our ankles aren't much used to Derbyshire gradients compared to our favourite Norfolk footpaths...