Monday 5 February 2007

A Great Big Heavy Printing Block

On Friday we drove off to the Post Office depot to pick up our new printing block, a chance purchase from eBay. The block itself is 9 inches square and about 2 inches high, made from several pieces of wood joined together, with the design made up of various metal shapes pressed into the wood. According to the seller it was originally used by Liberty to print fabrics, and looks like it might be one block from a larger repeated pattern.

It looked good just sat on the shelf, but obviously we couldn't have it and then not print from it, so yesterday we had a bit of an experiment. The thin, sharp metal surfaces were tricky to ink with the roller, so we ended up doing the fiddly bits with a brush. End result was great, a really sharp and interesting print. Perhaps a good chance to use our gold and silver inks, maybe on black paper... The colours of the image below have been inverted to show the pattern more clearly.

In other news Sarah has been busy beavering away with felt and linen bags. The anti-plastic bag revolution continues!

Currently listening to: Bonnie Prince Billy, The Letting Go.

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