Wednesday, 7 January 2009


It's cold! Really cold!

But we're keeping warm inside with a plentiful supply of tea (and hearty home-made soup for dinner)...

And some cheerful daffodils to keep our spirits up!

We've also been enjoying some lovely sunsets from the study window during this cold snap .

The car has broken down so Jon can't get to work for a couple of days, so we are spending far too much time on the internet looking for a new car. I'd rather spend the money on the orange sofa we saw in Habitat, but needs must I suppose...


Bugs and Fishes said...

It is indeed bloody freezing - I had to go to the Post Office in the SNOW today! Crazy. PS coincidentally I am drinking tea from a Penguin mug as I type this (The Big Sleep)

Sarah and Jon said...

Ooo I like the green ones!